
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Honey Bzz Story

SJMC - Accompanied by Nana's Honey bzz mom - Contraction since 2pm – Fariz Banzaai still on the flight back from Japan

Fariz Banzaai arrived at KLIA (750pm) - A'sim Banzaai & Hana Honey Bzz fetch him - Drove like F1 driver

Traffic light junction IN FRONT OF SJMC (8.27pm) received a call from Nana's Honey Bzz mom thru my handphone saying that 'nana dah bersalain dah' - andi still can hear she is screaming!..

Drop Fariz Banzaai at the lobby - waited at waiting room - Its an honor for me to see Mawar Junior Honey Bzz first in the labor room

Mawar Zafira bte Fariz (Junior Honey Bzz)

Such a beautiful girl.
When i saw her for the first time, she was sucking her thumb.
Such an adorable girl.
Mawar got her mummy's nose and mouth...and she got Fariz's eyes..

A greatest birthday gift Nana ever receive..
Congratulation Love..
Location: SJMC

by : Hana Honey bzz